News & Resources
Correcting Misinformation About Wind Power
Lake Erie offshore wind power is a clean, abundant, and renewable energy source that can produce enough electricity to power thousands of New York homes and pave the way for cleaner air and water in our communities.
Lake Erie offshore wind would diversify Western New York's electricity supply, avoid thousands of tons of greenhouse gas emissions and provide a powerful tool to help in the fight against climate change and create a cleaner, greener environment for generations to come.
Research has shown that offshore wind is clean and safe for the lake and for wildlife. There’s a reason wind power is one of the fastest growing energy industries in the world.​Yet, there is still extensive misinformation and many misconceptions about the impact of offshore wind power on wildlife, the environment, taxpayers and the local economy.
Scientists and researchers have produced an abundance of evidence of the benefits of offshore wind — check out the articles below to get the facts:
News & Research
Bringing Offshore Wind to New York
The New York State Energy Research And Development Authority - New York’s Offshore Wind Energy Development Potential In The Great Lakes: Feasibility Study
The Cost of Wind Energy
The National Audubon Society - Audubon’s Birds and Climate Change Report
Causon, P.D., and A.B. Gill. 2018. Linking ecosystem services with epibenthic biodiversity change following the installation of offshore wind farms. Environmental Science & Policy 89:340-347.
Council On Environmental Quality Executive Office Of The President - A Citizen’s Guide to the NEPA
Dunlop, E. S., Reid, S.M. and Murrant, M. 2016. Limited Influence of a Wind Power Project Submarine Cable on a Laurentian Great Lakes Fish Community. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 32 (1): 18–31.
Erickson, W. P., M. M. Wolfe, K. J. Bay, D. H. Johnson, and J. L. Gehring. 2014. Comprehensive Analysis of Small-Passerine Fatalities from Collision with Turbines at Wind Energy Facilities. PLoS ONE 9(9): e107491. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0107491.
Gehring, J., P. Kerlinger, and A.M. Manville II. 2009. Communication towers, lights, and birds: successful methods of reducing the frequency of avian collisions. Ecological Applications 19(2):505-415.
Kraus, C., and L. Carter. 2018. Seabed recovery following protective burial of subsea cables - Observations from the continental margin. Ocean Engineering 157:251-261.